Why You Should Canoe and Kayak

Years ago, traveling by canoes and kayaks on the rivers, oceans, and lakes seem to be something that was commonplace. Today, when cars, and other forms of transportation seem to be the norm, canoeing and kayaking have been relegated (and this we can see in most developed countries) to just things we do in our … Read more

How Kayaking Works

There are several major styles of kayaking, and each one of these styles has a craft unique to its own purpose. Let’s take a look at the following terms to understand just how boats work. Stern: This is the rear of the boat Bow: Front part of the boat Hull: This is the bottom of … Read more

The Different Types of Kayaking

There are different types of kayaking that allow kayakers enjoy the subtle differences in the sport. Typically, kayaks have a closed deck. This closed deck protects your legs from water and other elements, and it has a narrow build that allows the kayaker to glide seamlessly through any type of water. The sit-on-top kayaks that … Read more